Other ways to say “good luck” in English - Preply
2024年9月9日 · Using these good luck synonyms will surely bring a smile to the faces of those you’re cheering on. In this article, we’ll explore other ways to say “good luck” in English using …
Goodluck or good luck | Learn English - Preply
Well, in writing; you need to have a space between the two (good luck). In speaking, you need to pause between the two. They shouldn't be used together as one word. I hope you got what I …
EN: Good luck with/on/for/in/at - WordReference Forums
2007年4月26日 · - Good luck on your paper! : acceptable. - Good luck for your paper! : we don't say this. - Good luck with your paper! : equally acceptable as the first. However, this is said …
Distintas formas de decir buena suerte en inglés - Preply
2024年12月16日 · El sinónimo de good luck que utilices debe depender de a quién vaya dirigido. Por ejemplo, algunas frases adecuadas para entornos informales pueden no tener el mismo …
Good luck + preposition - WordReference Forums
2012年11月3日 · "Good luck with the wedding" would be more acceptable since it merely implies that you wish their wedding day has no problems though it still retains a bit of ambiguity. …
good luck with/in/on exams | WordReference Forums
2012年5月16日 · Good luck with exams - good luck with any exams, we don't even know if you are going to take any exams at all. Good luck with your exams - the exams we know you are …
“All The Best” vs “Best of Luck” | Learn English - Preply
It has reference on a specific task only, part of which subscribes to an element of random chance - favoring of luck. Wish you to get the best chance. Similar to “Good luck”. Some may deem it …
A person who brings good luck to others - WordReference Forums
2016年7月14日 · What would you call a person who brings good luck to others? He may not be a lucky person himself but he brings good luck to others. Imagine there is a groom who has …
Good luck on/in/to your new job. | WordReference Forums
2020年5月23日 · Good luck on/in your new job refers to a job that the person already has. If the person is still looking for a job, you would say in AE Good luck in/with your search for a job. or …
Urdu: Good luck - WordReference Forums
2024年2月7日 · The ace and the twelve in dice; (fig.) good luck, good fortune, success;—pau-bārah paṛnā (-ko), To have a stroke of fortune, to come off well or successful:—pau-ćakkā, …