智通财经APP获悉,联合包裹(UPS.US)近两年来首次恢复营收和利润增长,这主要得益于业务量增加、包裹利润增加以及劳动力成本保持稳定。截至发稿,联合包裹周四美股盘前涨超7%。财报显示,联合包裹第三季度营收同比增长5.6%至222亿美元,符合分析师普 ...
英为财情Investing.com - 周四 (24日) 盘前 ,美国股指期货期货升跌互现,波音、霍尼韦尔拖累道指期货,特斯拉提振纳指期货,美债收益率从超过4.25%的高位回落至4.22%。
United Parcel Service reported better-than-expected quarterly profit and revenue on Thursday, ahead of the crucial peak ...
UPS’s stock jumps toward a three-month high after earnings beat expectations, with revenue topping forecasts for the first ...
The company highlighted a 6.5% increase in average daily US volume and additional USPS air cargo volume as key drivers of ...
Italian energy group Eni said on Friday it would increase its share buyback programme to 2 billion euros ($2.2 billion) after ...
United Parcel Service will report third-quarter earnings before the market opens Thursday, and analysts are expecting ...
周一,巴克莱对快递巨头UPS (NYSE:UPS)的看法做出了重大调整,将该股评级从"与大盘持平"下调至"低于大盘",同时将目标价设定为120.00美元。该公司指出了可能影响UPS近期盈利和长期前景的多重挑战。
This Dell UPS battery backup is on sale today and it's an excellent way to preserve your hard work during power outages and ...
易事特作为数字能源行业优秀上市龙头、国家级制造业单项冠军,携其自研自产的UPS智慧电源及风光储充全系列精品亮相,获客户好评。 随着能源和环境问题日益严峻,世界各地对于产品能效有着越来越高的要求,节能降碳成为大势所趋。此次易事特参展产品 ...