Terminator 2 is one of the most iconic sci-fi stories told, but a brand-new game could be changing it altogether. Terminator ...
Fallout fans might have experienced a third ending for the iconic RPG title that started it all. Tim Cain shares what he initially planned.
Tim Cain had his reasons for thinking about a happy ending to the first Fallout before he was talked out of it by the other ...
《辐射》系列的创作者Tim Cain在最近的一次采访中透露,该系列的首款游戏原本有一个截然不同的结局,但最终被弃用了。 Tim Cain透露自己对游戏结局最初的设想是:“你会回到13号避难所,拿到了净水芯片,解决了变种人军队和主宰(The Master),然后大家为你举办一场盛大的派对。有蛋糕和气球。” 然而,这一提议被拒绝了。
But in a recent video titled "My Ideas That Got Rejected," the creator of Fallout, Tim Cain, describes how this wasn’t his ...
Fallout has been known for its bleak humor and downbeat tone going all the way back to the original 1997 RPG - a game whose ...