VERY POWERFUL Ganesh MANTRA FOR SUCCESS Om Gan Ganpate Namo Namah 108 times chanting Ganesh Mantra Obstacle Breaker FOR SUCCESS job career Most Powerful Ganesh Mantra Cure For All Problems Shree ...
You have watched him teaching Yoga on Indian National T.V for 40 years, since 1975 who has specialized in beating stress, reducing fat and allevating aches and pains forever through his innovative ...
Before you step inside the Met, like an alaap in Indian music that works as a prologue to the formal expression, you are first greeted by a big fountain with the water falling in a certain ...
Navagraha or the nine planets have always had a close relationship with mankind Bhrigushree Monica Anand the foundingmember and director of Bhrigu Shastram a group of Bhrigu Shastris committed to ...
Taurus is the proverbial bull Bull in a china shop Studbull Varasyajee the allwhite bull which the Zorastrians keep and use for ceremonial occasions Actually the urine of the bull is usedfor ...
The Vedas and other relatedtexts reveal that ancientIndians gave great importance to gardens and parks Kings and affluent people took special interest in making gardens Those days it was ...
The Mahabharata has a deep underlying symbolism Imagine Draupadi as the human body The Pandavas the five senses are wedded to it Their first cousins a hundred in number the Kauravas are present in ...
Divine Love Radha krsna ka Pyaar Amar Gori hai Radha Kale krsna Chote hai Radha Barey krsna Eshwar hai Radha Eshwar hai krsnaPremi hai Radha Pyare krsna Tarsey gi Radha Tarsayegay krsnaRootagi ...
Determining the meaning of Vedic Text Written by Sri Swami Chandrashekarendra Saraswati The Vedas as we know contain vakyas and adhyayas How are we to know their content their meaning What must we ...
Many experts on religion have been debating and still continue to debate on the issue of Hinduism versus Buddhism While certain schools of thought believe that Buddhism is an offshoot of Hinduism ...
These terms of use (Terms) constitute a legally binding agreement between you and the Company regarding your use of the web site i.e (the ...