“We have lofty goals when it comes to excellence and equity in our education system – and in a time when many might consider ...
We take for granted that Plunket, Playcentre, Kindergarten and District Health Nurses help young parents, but the informal help of family members and friends is much greater. Who? When? Where? Why?
From her research into what makes some children difficult, and what teachers do about it, Adrienne Rossiter makes practical and tested suggestions about how to arrange help for the child and the ...
New subjects and courses to interest and benefit senior secondary students who do not plan to go on to higher education have been introduced. This research studied two different courses which provide ...
Advice from a Teacher/Librarian, mainly to Principals and Librarians. Lots of good ideas that you may not have heard of. All have been tried and found successful.
Transition from school to work is pretty haphazard in Australia and New Zealand; in Japan it is highly organised. We have young people unemployed, exams of doubtful educational worth, and a system of ...
Looks at the effectiveness of the Me and My School survey, created by the NZCER and designed for students in Years 7 to 10, which is used to consider how students perceive their own levels of ...
This widely used test has been revised and standardised for use in New Zealand. It is an individually administered test, which provides a measure of an aspect of a child's word reading skills, ie word ...
What was the real effect of the radical Tomorrow’s Schools reforms? Has New Zealand’s school system improved as a result? What changes are needed now to meet our expectations of schools? This is the ...
The 'introduction' workshop is ideal for schools new to the tool. You will learn how to administer the survey and can ask questions about the use of the survey, the reporting, and become more ...
This small exploratory study was carried out in 2021 by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) for the National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa. The project is ...
The Taku Reo student survey is an online research-based survey designed for New Zealand students in English medium from Years 4 to 8. Some of the research that informed the survey is summarised is ...