While Cristian Bertuca's crowning in the KZ2 World Cup leaves no room for criticism, as the Italian driver dominated the ...
For €60, the 2nd ‘From Kart to F1’ Challenge lets you take part in a selection process in karting, then in F4, for a chance ...
La 2e édition « Du Kart à la F1 » vous permet pour 60 € de participer à des sélections en karting, puis en F4, pour tenter de ...
Birel ART was acclaimed at the FIA Karting World event in Portimão as the leading supplier of KZ chassis. This strong ...
Plebiscito unanime per Birel ART in occasione dell’evento mondiale FIA Karting di Portimão in qualità di primo fornitore di ...
The FIA Karting World Championship in Portimao ended in triumph for Sodikart, the world's leading chassis manufacturer and ...
Le Championnat du Monde FIA Karting à Portimao s’est terminé par un triomphe pour Sodikart, premier constructeur mondial de ...
With 12 podium finishes, including five victories, and 16 top-five finishes in 21 races, Taito Kato has enjoyed a sensational ...
Avec 12 podiums dont 5 victoires et 16 top-5 en 21 courses, Taito Kato a réussi une saison sensationnelle au Championnat de ...
Palomba KZ World Champion, Bertuca wins in KZ2 and Abbasse in KZ2 Masters This weekend, the Kartódromo Internacional do ...
Palomba Champion du Monde KZ, Bertuca s’impose en KZ2 et Abbasse en KZ2 Masters Ce week-end, le Kartódromo Internacional do ...
The weather was sunny despite a few clouds for the final round of the World KZ Championship in Portimao. Senna van Walstijn ...