I rapporti tra i due blocchi si sono intensificati in seguito all’invasione dell’Ucraina e a seguito dei recenti sviluppi in ...
Medio Oriente: ultimatum a Israele? Gli Stati Uniti paventano lo stop agli aiuti militari se Israele non consentirà l’ingresso di aiuti a Gaza. Ma non è chiaro se alle parole seguiranno fatti e ...
Rising tensions in the Middle East are prompting the GCC and the EU to adopt a more unified strategy for regional security ...
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Summit will be held in Brussels. The event – sought after and long prepared by European and ...
In Georgia si svolgeranno le elezioni parlamentari il 26 ottobre 2024, un evento che sarà cruciale per la democrazia del paese ...
The GCC unveiled a Vision for Regional Security that outlines both the opportunities and constraints to its action ...
Luigi di Maio, the EU Representative for the Gulf, discusses the first-ever EU-GCC Summit, scheduled to take place on October 16th ...
Brussels will host the first EU-GCC heads of state summit, emphasizing the partnership's importance amid escalating tensions in the Middle East ...
The comeback of energy security as a key concern has made cooperation with GCC countries central in EU strategy ...
Post-crisis, GCC members have demonstrated a stronger capacity for collective action, especially when dealing with global powers and managing regional conflicts. The countries’ cohesion is built on a ...
Even in the absence of the FTA, trade between the EU and the GCC has remained robust, although the landscape has changed ...
La corsa alla Casa Bianca si deciderà quest’anno in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona e ...