The attack on Spanish port of Cartagena during the War of Jenkin's Ear was a total catastrophe for Britain. The death of the commander of the fleet early in the campaign left two inexperienced ...
Welcome to Devon, home to the Devonshire cream tea and the English Riviera. This most English of counties boasts both a north and south coast, and has one of the mildest climates in Britain. It is a ...
HMT Empire Windrush became synonymous with the voyage it completed in 1948, transporting hundreds of West Indians and people ...
Celebrated on October 21st, Trafalgar Day marks the day on which Britain triumphed in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. This historic marine conflict was fought off the Cape of Trafalgar, offshore from ...
On Monday 17th October 1814, a terrible disaster claimed the lives of at least 8 people in St Giles, London. A bizarre industrial accident resulted in the release of a beer tsunami onto the streets ...
The eldest surviving son of Aethelwulf, Aethelbald reigned for just five years. Perhaps the most noteworthy event of his reign was his marriage to his father’s widow, the Carolingian princess Judith, ...
The Battle of Hastings is perhaps the most famous battle in British history, for this was a battle the outcome of which changed British history and was the last time England was invaded. This October, ...
“Patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone.” These were the words spoken by Edith Cavell before she met her fate at the hands of the German firing squad. The ...
The Boer Ultimatum and the Causes of the Second Boer War. On 11th October 1899, the Second Boer War broke out between the British Empire and the two Boer states called the Republic of Transvaal and ...
A psalter is a collection of religious texts, including psalms, prayers and a calendar of Church feast-days, written in Latin on vellum or parchment. What makes the Luttrell Psalter unique is that it ...
On 9th October 1779 a group of English textile workers in Manchester rebelled against the introduction of machinery which threatened their skilled craft. This was the first of many Luddite riots to ...
On October 6th 1854 the people of Tyneside believed that the end of the world was upon them. In the early hours an explosion occurred which shook the city of Newcastle upon Tyne and its neighbour ...