Cleaning and disinfecting all areas of the house is key to protecting ourselves from microbes and the diseases they can cause. Although we often associate the bathroom as the dirtiest place in the ...
Hundreds of tons of plastic in the oceans, from bottles to bags, pollute the planet's waters. However, scientists have discovered that this material is not only an environmental problem, but has also ...
Sinusitis is an inflammatory condition that affects the paranasal sinuses, hollow cavities located around the nose, eyes and cheeks. When the sinuses become inflamed due to an infection or allergic ...
Recycling paper at home is not only an effective way to reduce waste, but it is also a great activity to get the whole family involved in environmental awareness. Instead of throwing away paper you no ...
Rising temperatures to extreme heat due to climate change are having serious consequences for public health, particularly affecting the most vulnerable populations. A recent study has revealed that ...
Activating seeds and nuts: increasing nutrients and reducing fat! Activating seeds or nuts refers to a very simple process: soaking them in water for a few hours and then drying them. It is called ...
有时,改变和健康可以通过简单而实用的表达来体现;例如,藜麦。具有多种特性的种子,有能力改变你的身体。 根据联合国粮食及农业组织 (FAO) 的资料,藜麦是营养成分最高的食物之一 ...
为了学习专业培训而不得不进行不必要的旅行的时代已经一去不复返了。今天有一个替代方案 fp在线越来越多的学生正在选择,特别是那些非常意识到给予生态系统所需照顾的重要性的学生。
绿色债券正在彻底改变我们应对气候变化的融资方式。这些债券使投资者能够支持环境可持续项目,同时获得财务回报。从可再生能源到可持续基础设施,绿色债券为投资低碳未来提供了一种 ...
在家准备堆肥已成为一种越来越流行的做法,以减少有机废物并有助于实现更可持续的生活方式。通过这个过程,食物残渣和花园废物被分解,形成营养丰富的天然堆肥,是改善土壤质量的理想 ...
清洁和消毒房屋的所有区域是保护我们免受微生物及其可能引起的疾病侵害的关键。尽管我们经常将浴室视为家里最脏的地方,但事实是,还有许多其他角落可以隐藏细菌。根据消毒产品制造商 ...