A better picture: surrounded by beautiful women.
I'm an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department and the Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES) at the University of Texas at Austin. I was a PhD student at the ...
Patrick MacAlpine and Peter Stone.
Though computers have surpassed humans at many tasks, especially computationally intensive ones, there are many tasks for which human expertise remains necessary and/or useful. For such tasks, it is ...
TEXPLORE: Real-Time Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Robots. Todd Hester and Peter Stone. Machine Learning, 90(3):385–429, 2013.
Office hours: Tu 2:00-3:00, or by appointment. Office: ACES 6.248. This course is an introduction to computer systems software -- low-level software abstractions with an emphasis on the connection of ...
I am an Assistant Professor of Instruction in the Department of Computer Science and a Research Fellow in the Science of High Performance Computing Group at the Oden Institute of Computational ...
Understanding high-dimensional real-world data usually requires learning the structure of the data space. The structure may contain high-dimensional clusters that have important topological ...
The purpose of this assignment is to implement a linked list class that uses doubly linked nodes. Doubly linked nodes have references to the next node in the list and back to the previous node in the ...
The purpose of this assignment is to practice writing and implementing recursive algorithms. In this assignment you will implement eight recursive methods. Some of the methods (1 - 3) use recursion to ...
Matthew worked on a joint project with Chris Bush on neuroevolution in role-playing games. After graduating, he went on to work as a software engineer for IBM.
Course web page: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~ecprice/courses/randomized/fa23/ ...