Countdown: 59 days until the Downtown Redmond Link Extension opens. Open House: Sound Transit is hosting another South Downtown Hub Open House on April 2 from 5-7pm at Union Station.
During a special meeting of the Sound Transit Board of Directors’ Executive Committee this evening, the committee recommended “Candidate C” for the role of Chief Executive ...
Currently most bus lines on the eastside are radiating from the Bellevue Transit Center. With the growth of Bellevue College ...
King County Metro route 160 travels inbound from Auburn Transit Center to Renton Transit Center, via Kent and Benson Hill.
This article will provide a brief overview of Redmond’s Link stations walkability and bikeability. It’s a followup to our ...
This is an open thread.
Two reports on the causes of Link’s many unplanned outages ($) were released on Thursday, as Mike Lindblom at the Seattle Times writes. One report is by engineering consultant HNTB; the ...