Correspondence to Owen Rees, History, Politics and Philosophy, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester M15 6LL, UK; o.rees{at} In the pursuit to offer validity and lineage to the ...
Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, Peninsula Medical School, Universities of Exeter and Plymouth, Truro, UK Dr R Marshall, Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, Knowledge Spa, Royal ...
The Cost of Dying Exhibition: public, professional and political reactions to a visual exhibition depicting experiences of poverty at the end of life ...
As a research technique, poetic transcription transforms people’s stories and enables deeper analysis and engagement between participants, readers and researchers. Chronic illness is often ...
There is widespread acceptance in medical humanities circles that reading is good for doctors and that, in medical educational terms, it is particularly good at making better doctors by widening ...
Jane Austen’s letters describe a two-year deterioration into bed-ridden exhaustion, with unusual colouring, bilious attacks and rheumatic pains. In 1964, Zachary Cope postulated tubercular Addison’s ...
Psychiatric textbooks tend to describe psychosis as it is experienced by men. The well-documented illness of Zelda Fitzgerald illustrates the feminine side of psychosis. The distinctive features of ...
Correspondence to Bliss Cavanagh, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medicine, The University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia; Bliss.Cavanagh{at} Self-management ...
The process of ‘becoming’ shapes professionals’ capability, confidence and identity. In contrast to notions of rugged individuals who achieve definitive status as experts, ‘becoming’ is a continuous ...
The emergence of new body technologies has led to the deconstruction of a cosmetically enhanced celebrity body into a bioinformational data-self, which becomes a surveilled subject quantified through ...
Cerebro-vascular events are, after neurodegenerative disorders, the most frequent cause of brain damage that leads to the patient's impaired cognitive and/or bodily functioning. While the ...
There is increasing evidence for the efficacy of non-medical strategies to improve mental health and well-being. Get into Reading is a shared reading intervention which has demonstrable acceptability ...