The workshop will provide a forum for an in-depth discussion of the high energy universe with a focus on multi-messenger astronomy and astro-particle physics. The program will consist of invited and ...
McGill U. and Bohr Inst.
The purpose of this CRADA is to provide the contractual vehicle for Fermilab to receive funds from the College of DuPage in support of high school student research working with the Fermilab/University ...
Investigating Late-Time Dark Energy and Massive Neutrinos in Light of DESI Y1 BAO ...
General vacuum stability of orbifold gauge breaking and application to asymptotic grand unification ...
Porto U., Astron. Dept. and Porto U.
The Einstein equations with quantum one-loop contributions of conformally covariant matter fields are shown to admit a class of nonsingular isotropic homogeneous solutions that correspond to a picture ...
An introductory survey on the Schroedinger uncertainty relation and its minimization states is presented with minimal number of formulas and some historical points. The case of the two canonical ...
Oak Ridge and Tennessee U.
Nucleon charge and magnetic form factors GE,Mp,n(q2) have been presented in a quark model with an equally mixed scalar and vector potential in harmonic form taking the pionic contributions into ...
Large-N three-dimensional (φ→2)3 field theory is studied by means of a composite-field effective potential Veff(φ→,χ). Veff(φ→,χ) is shown to be renormalizable in each order of the 1N expansion. When ...