Dans le cadre de son engagement en faveur d’une recherche respectueuse de l’environnement, le CERN a publié en 2023 une Politique pour des achats respectueux de l’environnement et défini des mesures d ...
Lorsque le froid s’installe, les radiateurs d’appoint peuvent apporter un peu plus de chaleur dans certains bureaux. Les radiateurs électriques d’appoint ont été retirés des magasins du CERN à la fin ...
As temperatures drop, portable heaters can provide extra warmth in the workplace. Portable electric heaters were removed from the CERN Stores at the end of 2022 as an energy-saving measure. However, ...
As part of its commitment to environmentally responsible research, CERN published its Environmentally Responsible Procurement Policy in 2023, with accompanying measures to positively influence ...
The field of research is a team sport. Long gone are the days when one individual could make the change, the discovery of the century, and win the big prize. Today, we stand on the shoulders of giants ...
Rejoignez-nous le 4 février dans le restaurant n° 1 pour en savoir plus sur les risques électriques et sur la manière d'assurer votre sécurité et celle des autres. (Image: CERN) L’électricité est indi ...
Join us on 4 February in Restaurant No. 1 to learn more about electrical risks and how to keep yourself and others safe (Image: CERN) Electricity powers our world, but what’s your level of confidence ...
La recherche est un sport d’équipe. L’époque où une personne à elle seule pouvait initier un changement, être à l’origine de la découverte du siècle et remporter le gros lot est belle et bien révolue.
In 2025, salaries of staff members, stipend of fellows and graduates, contractual subsistence allowances of associated members of personnel will be paid on the following dates: Friday 24 January Tuesd ...
CERN wishes you a happy 2025 as we look forward to a year of world-class research, uniting people from all over the world to push the frontiers of science and technology for the benefit of all.
Since the CMS and ATLAS experiments announced the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, they have been measuring its mass and interaction with other particles with ever-increasing precision. Now, ...
For its 70th anniversary year, CERN honours its contributions to fundamental research, innovation and international collaboration. CERN inaugurated a new data centre with integrated heat-recovery ...