You’ve doubtless seen those ubiquitous clock modules, especially when setting clocks for daylight savings time. You know the ...
Imagine cooling your building with the same principle that kept Victorian-era icehouses stocked with lake-frozen blocks, but ...
MSylvain59] likes to tear down old surplus, and in the video below, he takes apart a German transceiver known as a U-600M.
In the early 2000s, the idea that you could write programs on microcontrollers that did things in the physical world, like ...
As part of the payloads on the Firefly Blue Ghost Mission 1 (BGM1) that recently touched down on the Moon, the Lunar GNNS ...
Ken Shirriff] has been sharing a really low-level look at Intel’s Pentium (1993) processor. The Pentium’s architecture was highly innovative in many ways, and one of [Ken]’s ...
If you’re a photography enthusiast, you probably own quite a few cameras, but the chances are your “good” one will have ...
What would you do with dozens and dozens of outdated Chromebooks that are no longer getting updates from the Google Mothership? It’s a situation that plenty of schools will have to deal with ...
Movies mirror the time they were made. [ErnieTech] asserts that we can see what people thought about computers back in 1957 ...
The late 1950s were such an optimistic time in America. World War II had been over for less than a decade, the economy boomed thanks to pent-up demand after years of privation, and everyone was ...
Getting a robot to stand on two wheels without tipping over involves a challenging dance with the laws of physics.
If you’ve ever been configuring a router or other network device and noticed that you can set up IPv4 and IPv6, you might have wondered what happened to IPv5. Well, thanks to [Navek], you ...