"He called my mom [and said], 'I think I'm not gonna be around much longer,'" Maya Henry said of Payne during an appearance ...
Liam Payne's close friend Ant Middleton reacted to the One Direction singer's death live on air after finding out about the ...
The 911 call from hotel staff shortly before Liam Payne's death has been released as the singer's family releases a statement ...
Payne曾于2022年接受网红Logan Paul访问时喝醉酒,事后为此道歉,翌年进入戒疗所戒酒。他于访问中透露过自己成名后酗酒与有自杀念头。2023年他宣布成功戒酒三个月。
走红全球的男孩乐团《One Direction》今天惊传前成员连恩 (Liam Payne) 猝逝消息,得年31岁。根据美国有线电视新闻网CNN快讯,警方向CNN提供的声明证实,连恩从下榻的阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯一家酒店三楼坠落身亡。持 ...
(布宜诺斯艾利斯讯)据阿根廷媒体星期四(10月17日)报道,英国爱尔兰前男孩天团“1世代”(One Direction)成员Liam Payne(利亚姆佩恩)在阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯一间饭店外逝世,得年31岁。
当地救护服务部门发言人阿尔贝托·克雷森蒂(Alberto Crescenti)表示,利亚姆摔倒并受重伤,他从大约40米处坠落,现场确认已死亡。:“当地时间下午5点04分,警报响起,称有人躺在Casa Sur的内部露台上。下午5 ...
据报道,乐队 One Direction 的前主唱 Liam Payne 在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的一家酒店去世。La Nacion 等当地媒体报道了这一消息,Reuters ...
当地时间10月17日,英国流行乐队“单向组合”(One Direction)组合成员利亚姆·佩恩(Liam ...
连恩潘恩坠楼丧命。(美联社) (中央社17日综合电)阿根廷国家报报道,前英国-爱尔兰男孩天团“1世代”(One Direction)成员连恩潘恩(Liam Payne),在首都布宜诺斯艾利斯一间饭店外逝世,享年31岁。阿根廷国家报(La Nacion ...
For Gen Z and millennials who grew up alongside the British boyband One Direction, the death of singer Liam Payne is ...
It is understood that Payne was dating Kate Cassidy at the time of his death, thepair having been together since October 2022 ...