League of Legends' Hextech Chests are set to officially be added back to the game in the near future, reversing their ...
“And they say boycotting doesn’t work,” said one player. “Holy shit we did it,” said another, with hundreds celebrating their ...
You now get Hextech Chests in League by progressing the battle pass and having high Honor.
Hextech Chests are coming back in League of Legends next update, with the news coming in the wake of major controversy over ...
The studio quickly acknowledged a problem with the underlying numbers and promised to "significantly increase" Blue Essence ...
Riot Games quickly rolled back on its decision after announcing the Hextech Chests' removal in the League's Season 15.
League of Legends fans never shy away from voicing their frustrations, and when Riot Games removed Hextech Chests, all heck ...
Riot Games says that League of Legends' Hextech Chests will return to the game after some serious backlash from players.
After weeks of disappointment and backlash from its League of Legends community, Riot Games have taken a step back and confirmed to bring back the Hextech Chests ...
League of Legends players are ride-or-die for their favorite game, and that sentiment includes investing time and resources to build the perfect profile. Skins, ...
League of Legends Act 2 will bring back Hextech Chests, champion costs are being slashed, and Exalted skins will be releasing less often.
League of Legends developers on Tuesday unveiled a series of upcoming changes during their latest Dev Update video. Team ...