Karma is no stranger to EREVs, but the Amaris is its newest extended-range EV.
在电动汽车领域,Karma Automotive再次引领潮流。近日,这家以创新与可持续性为核心的豪华电动车制造商发布了其首款双门轿跑车型——Amaris。这一重磅消息不仅宣告Karma正式迈入一个全新的时代,也吸引了无数车迷的目光,预示着未来豪华电动车市场的变革。
The design blends classic golf club aesthetics with the historic building’s character. Deep forest greens, putting-green tones, burgundy accents, and red oak veneer create an upscale yet inviting ...
Karma Automotive has unveiled its first-ever 2-door coupe, the Amaris, marking the next evolution of its Extended-Range ...
Karma is back at it again with the handsome previews. This one’s called the ‘Amaris’, and it’s a two-door extended-range ...
日前,Karma Automotive官方正式发布了Karma Amaris车型的官图。新车定位双门跑车,与Gyesera四门轿车共享平台底盘,动力上则采用增程式动力系统。据悉,Amaris将于2026年二季度正式投产。目前Karma ...
近日,Karma Automotive正式发布了旗下首款双门轿跑Amaris的官图,新车计划于2026年第二季度正式投产!这一消息在汽车爱好者群体中引发了热烈讨论。如果有感兴趣的小伙伴,不妨来了解一下。