22 小时
Basketball Network on MSN"It was a ballet move where I jumped up and spread my legs" - Michael Jordan reveals the ..."People think that I was. I just stood on the floor, jumped up, and spread my legs, and they took the picture. I wasn't even ...
于是,在一次举重训练中,利拉德主动打破了沉默:“嘿,你平时都怎么称呼自己啊?我可不想每次叫你名字都叫全名‘杰里科’。”对此,西姆斯给出了两个选项:“你可以叫我‘J Rod’或者‘Jumpman’。” ...
Don't try to find Jalen Hurts's signature hoodie, it isn't available anymore. During the Philadelphia Eagles' parade ...
Jordan Brand旗下的NCAA篮球校队系列又迎来了新的奢华镶钻AJ4,最新的专属设计为霍华德大学打造。这款新鞋运用了多种高档皮革材料,呈现出细腻且丰富的视觉层次,使其成为球鞋市场上的一大亮点。
Jordan Brand 为旗下 NCAA 篮球校队打造的专属 AJ4 又迎来新成员。这次是霍华德大学,同样运用了多种高档皮革的组合,带来细腻又丰富的视觉层次效果。金色的鞋带扣上写明了 HU 字样,是霍华德大学的专属缩写。“带钻” 的后跟 ...
What’s too much for a pair of sneakers? The answer to that question depends on how rich you are. When it comes to the late ...
Nike has brought back a classic pair of Air Jordans after more than two decades that are sure to be in demand by sneakerheads ...