The floodwaters in Rakiraki Town are receding, and people are stocking up on supplies in anticipation of more adverse weather. Ra Provincial Administrator, Elimi Rokoduru, says floodwaters in Rakiraki ...
Left untreated, it can eventually cause bone and tooth loss. Many things can cause receding gums, including poor dental hygiene, brushing too hard, and aging. Can receding gums grow back?
Top Toothpaste Brand for Receding Gums: Boka - a modern oral care brand that combines science and nature to deliver safe, non-toxic, and effective products designed to support holistic health and well ...
Receding gum lines can be related to what's called periodontal disease. The bone that holds your teeth in place can recede because of calculus or plaque buildup, w hich then irritates the gums and ...
These are nitrogenous substances found in many fermented or spoiled foods, and can cause headaches, but the amount in wine is far too low to be a problem. Tannin is a good guess, since white wines ...
Cheptoris adds that persistent use of toothpicks can cause the gums to recede over time. "Receding gums expose the sensitive roots of the teeth, increasing the risk of tooth sensitivity and decay ...
Burning fossil fuels for energy, transport and industry releases greenhouse gases, which cause global warming. Things like farming, cutting down forests and overfishing are making it worse. There is ...