A baby sea lion toting an artificial kelp strip has been filmed performing intricate rhythmic gymnastics-esque circles ...
An investigation is underway at an indoor gun range in Washington state after a deadly fire on Sunday night. The Tacoma Fire Department said crews responded to a fire with reported occupants at a ...
Newly released draft fire risk maps from Cal Fire have updated changes in Solano County’s Fire Hazard Severity Zones, used by state and local firefighters to divide responsibility and monitor risks.
By taking these precautions and having ongoing conversations about fire safety, you can help protect your family from the risks of accidental fires. To help keep your family safe, the Washington State ...
The updated fire maps expand the state's acreage in the High category to approximately 1.16 million new acres, and Very High to approximately 247,000 new acres. The updated fire maps are being ...
AUBURN – There are new changes to wildfire danger zones in California. Cal Fire is increasing areas across the state it now deems very high severity zones for wildfire by hundreds of thousands ...
Statewide, 1.4 million acres have been added to higher fire severity categories. Editorials represent the views of The Press Democrat editorial board and The Press Democrat as an institution.
Submit a letter to the editor. The state says it is concerned with fire danger. Their solution is a fire map so that the citizens can be in charge of fire danger. This shifts the responsibility to ...
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection this week released new fire hazard severity zone maps for dozens of inland Northern California cities and towns — the first updates to ...