New additions are indicated with an asterisk.,Action movies have long been the most successful genre at home, as viewers try to replicate that rush they got at the movie theater in their own living ...
Admittedly, it's not technically an action movie in the traditional sense, but if you can't sneak a Scorsese movie full of guns, blood, and death into this kind of list, then why are we even here?
NOTE : Public fortunes were calculated based on stock prices and exchange rates as of September 18, 2020. Private companies were valued based on similar companies that are publicly traded.
Charles, MO (where he served as Culture Editor for its student-run print and online publications), and a brief stint of reviewing movies for fun. He would later continue that side-hustle of film ...
Cuckoo is a twisty, giallo-inspired, semi-body horror mystery that double acts as an impressive lead showcase proving that Schafer is more than just an “it girl.” Gretchen, a moody American ...
But if you're not sure exactly what will strike your fancy, simply pick any of the movies on this list. We guarantee that they're all excellent. We also updated this list weekly with the latest ...