Science News Explores and the Science News in High Schools Digital Library offer a variety of free, age-appropriate STEM resources for kids from fifth through 12th grades. Stay up to date on the ...
These are just a few fun and accessible places that offer a wealth of resources to boost science and math training or to get kids started on the path of science exploration. Hopefully, they can ...
Inclusion in Science Education for Students with Disabilities offers guidance on recommended teacher and classroom behaviors, teaching strategies and resources for meeting the needs of students with ...
Two volumes with over 600 science activities helps parents and teachers guide students to investigate science in the world around them. An oldie but goodie – the Inquiry in Action book features ...
Students must complete the College of Science Continuing Student Scholarship application for consideration. Please visit the following websites to learn more about scholarship opportunities offered by ...
Academic Advisors All new students (freshmen, transfer students and newly declared majors), continuing freshmen, sophomores, and probation students in the College of Science and the Mackay School of ...