Speaking to ANI, V Hanumantha Rao said, "A case was filed against Rahul Gandhi in Assam, but a case should be filed against RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat, BJP people for insulting the Constitution and Baba ...
The event was chaired by VL Kantha Rao, Secretary, Ministry of Mines and Chairman CGPB. Asit Saha, Director General, Geological Survey of India (GSI) and Sanjay Lohiya, Additional Secretary, Ministry ...
Bokaro: Taking cognizance of reports of delay in issue of birth certificates, deputy commissioner (DC) Jadhav Vijaya Narayan Rao on Saturday directed .
Bokaro: Taking cognizance of delays in issue of birth certificates, particularly those born in govt hospitals, deputy commissioner (DC) Jadhav Vijaya .