It's time to round up the best CPUs on the market. After countless CPU reviews and benchmarks, we've put it all together into ...
It is also expected to debut its mid-range Ryzen AI APU offerings during CES 2025 (Jan 7, 2025 to Jan 11, 2025) amongst other ...
IT之家 12 月 18 日消息,AMD 锐龙 AI 7 350 处理器现已现身 PassMark 测试数据库,该处理器搭载 4 颗全规格大核与 4 颗较小核心,配备 Radeon 860M 核显, 预计对应 "Krackan Point" 系列最高端型号 。
从命名上来看,锐龙 AI MAX PRO 390 应属于 AMD "Strix Halo" 系列处理器 PRO 商用版中的“次旗舰”型号。此前 有消息称 该处理器将配备 12 颗 "Zen 5" 核心和 40CU 规模的 Radeon 8060S, 目前看来 AMD 调整了该处理器的显卡规模,降至 32CU 的 Radeon 8050 。
The AMD Ryzen AI 7 350 is expected to be a cut-down version of AMD's top-end Strix Point APUs listed above, offering an ...