Paranormal State is an American paranormal reality television series that premiered on the A&E Network on December 10, 2007. The program follows and stars the Pennsylvania State University ...
"A Haunting" was a USA paranormal anthology previewing stories told by the victims. Victims tell their terrifying encounters with the paranormal. This show contains narration, frightening ...
Such people purposely visit haunted sights and even use Ouija Boards to interact with paranormal beings, but let’s be honest, not all of us dare to do that. So, we pick the safer option to experience ...
The world is changing in big ways every day. State of the World from NPR takes you where the news is happening — and explains why it matters. With bureaus spanning the globe, NPR reporters bring ...
There's not much snow at Vedauwoo in southeastern Wyoming, which is a drag for winter sports enthusiasts. But meteorologist Don Day says, if history is any guide, winter weather will soon bring snow ...
As a part of the holiday-centric Paranormal Pigmas event, you can now play through the Distorted Holiday chapter. This chapter presents brand-new challenges, where you must work your way through ...
Part true crime documentary, part paranormal investigation, the film details what little is known about Illingworth’s life while exploring the lasting hold her story has on residents of the Peninsula.
Each month, IndieWire highlights the best recent and upcoming Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K releases for cinephiles to own now — and to bring ballast and permanence to your moviegoing at a time when ...