Public-safety officials say the Tiburon Peninsula faces relatively low wildfire risk due to its fog layer and moisture, ...
Newly released draft fire risk maps from Cal Fire have updated changes in Solano County’s Fire Hazard Severity Zones, used by state and local firefighters to divide responsibility and monitor risks.
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The state says it is concerned with fire danger. Their solution is a fire map so that the citizens can be in charge of fire danger. This shifts the responsibility to the homeowner when the fire ...
Residents of Jackson County gathered at a town hall meeting on Saturday, March 8, to discuss the flaws in the state's ...
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) recently released new fire hazard severity zone maps for Northern California, and the 2.3 million acres of high wildfire risk have ...
The Local Responsibility Area (LRA) Fire Hazard Severity Zone maps prepared by the Office of the State Fire Marshal have been released for public review and comment. These maps, developed in ...
The bill is sponsored by state Sen. Janeen Sollman, D-Hillsboro, who said in a news release that fire stations in her district have already phased out their use of flame retardants that contain PFAS.
Here are maps illustrating the current situation ... one that still burns but is no longer spreading, while a controlled fire has been extinguished. The forest service was continuously updating ...
County fire or sheriff’s officials appear to have failed to set the alerts in motion, leaving many west Altadena residents to ...