In a shocking incident in Pune, a school van driver has been arrested for molesting a 15-year-old girl student in Kondhwa. The incident took place on December 11 in the school van on Katraj ...
Stay up to date with the latest news on Dick Van Dyke, an American actor, entertainer and comedian. Dick began his acting career on Broadway by appearing as Albert Peterson in Bye Bye Birdie ...
However, a 16-year-old did just that with daddy’s MKV Supra, getting pulled over on the highway by a deputy who clocked the sports car at 132 mph, making for an extreme case.
The 2025 Ford Transit Custom's used prices in Australia typically range from $56,590 for the Trend (swb) variant and topping out at $62,990 for the Sport Dciv (lwb). There are 4 variants of the ...
The 2020 Ford Transit Custom's used prices in Australia typically range from $23,500 for the 340s (swb) variant and topping out at $40,500 for the 320l Sport Dciv (lwb). There are 5 variants of the ...