The summit sees hurricane-force wind gusts more than 110 days of the year on average. The most powerful wind gust ever recorded by the Mount Washington Observatory was measured at 231 mph on April 21, ...
Meteorologists on America’s windiest mountain recently experienced historically violent gusts. Here’s what it looked like.
The Mount Washington Observatory said the peak wind gust was 138 mph. Video from the observatory showed how strong the winds ...
Mount Washington, known for its harsh and erratic weather, saw its wind gusts top out at 161 mph on Monday, the observatory reported. Wind speeds are relative, however: The mountain still holds ...
As wind gusts reach 161 mph on Mount Washington Observatory, people safe at home can watch live stream cameras. On Monday afternoon, wind gusts were often 125 mph to 135 mph with frequent gusts ...
Some weather models are suggesting that "rogue ... the observatory said the highest wind speed recorded all of last season on Mount Washington was 150 mph.
SARGENTS PURCHASE, N.H. (WCAX) - If you think it was windy in your neck of the woods Monday, you don’t have anything on Mount Washington, which recorded some of the highest winds in the past ...
Chris Proulx, director of the Mt. Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce, said the weather plays a major role in the number of people who come out and what activities they want to do. "We're a ski ...