Penticton’s dam manager Shaun Reimer said Okanagan Lake levels are sitting about 90 cm below full pool, but there's still ...
As warm weather rolls around the City of Decatur is urging residents to visit the recently improved Hot Water Ditch at Lake ...
In Lake Worth Beach, commissioners can serve a maximum of two consecutive three-year terms. They are paid annual salaries of ...
A new conservancy will oversee work to improve vegetation, water quality and natural habitat in the Salton Sea. Will nearly ...
Uganda has secured a loan of €85m (sh340b) from France to improve water infrastructure and broader urban development in the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area. ;This was revealed by finance minister ...
Twenty years before the Titanic changed maritime history, another ship touted as the next great technological feat set sail ...
While there may be fiscal waste at all levels of our governments, we forget the aid provided and what the influx of funding ...
According to The Loch Ness Centre, it was the perfect day to witness such activity — which purportedly lasted for just a few ...
That has nothing to do with biological health. None whatsoever,” one environmental scientist said. “It’s a waste of money.” ...
A woman with a history of selling drugs was arrested at a home in Water Oak, a 55+ community in Lady Lake. Officers responded to a Water Oak residence, located in the 600 block of Hickory Hill, ...
Oswego Lake is free. Liberating it from the homeowners whose mansions line the water took Todd Prager only 13 years.