KANSAS CITY, Mo. (KCTV/Gray News) - Customers and employees at a popular holiday pop-up bar in Missouri threw bar stools to subdue a knife-wielding man who had been kicked out earlier in the night.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (KCTV/Gray News) - Customers and employees at a popular holiday pop-up bar in Missouri threw bar stools to subdue a knife-wielding man who had been kicked out earlier in the night.
In the video people use bar stools to stop what Allen said is a man with a knife on Dec. 14. According to court documents bar employees kicked Rustam Huseinov out because he bit an employee.
After a decade in business, The Roost Sports Bar & Café in Maricopa closed its doors on Dec. 22. Owner Ralph Skrzypczak announced he would close the bar on Facebook and Instagram on Dec.