This may occur with or without pain. Other possible symptoms of a TMD include: These muscles help to transmit vibrations from the eardrum and bones in the middle ear into the inner ear.
Each ear consists of an outer, middle, and inner portion. All three parts of the ear are involved in hearing. Several health conditions can affect the ears, including Meniere's disease, tinnitus, and ...
Problems with the vestibular nerve or inner ear, called peripheral vestibular disorders, can cause serious challenges in your daily life. The most common symptoms include vertigo (the sensation that ...
Both science and experience tell us that diet can control and sometimes eradicate childhood ear problems. Inflammation in the middle ear - referred to as otitis media by the medical profession ...
Small cranial nerve tumors that can cause hearing loss, vertigo and ringing in the ears are often watched rather than treated, but a new study is set to change how the tumors, called vestibular ...