The catering industry is evolving toward greater diversification, specialization and intelligence with the advancement of ...
Editor’s Note: Since the reform and opening-up, China has undergone profound transformations, with foreign multinational companies playing a key role. As important participants, they have provided ind ...
稳定粮食供应及粮价始终是全球各地民眾关心的议题。今年以来原本国际稻米价格平稳让各界稍微放松,却传出日本多地稻供应紧张,米价飞涨,再度引发全球关注。随着气候灾害、贸易保护主义、经济衝击、能源危机等因素,加剧全球粮食体系脆弱性,是当前所有国家需要共同面对 ...
Jialuo Chen. (2022). Fecal coliform distribution and health risk assessment in surface water in an urban-intensive catchment.
In Jiading District, the 3rd Shanghai Citizen Sports Entertainment Carnival opened at Shanghai Citizen Sports Park. Running ...
来自MSN6 天
甜菜(学名:Beta vulgaris、英语:beetroot)又名菾菜或红菜,为苋科甜菜属下的一个种。原产于欧洲西部和南部沿海,从瑞典直到西班牙,是热带甘蔗以外的一个主要糖来源。叶子也是一种蔬菜。 类别: 植物 学名: Beta vulgaris 卡路里35 卡 餐量 宏量营养素 (% 卡路里 ...
Eucrisa®是辉瑞旗下 Anacor Pharmaceuticals Inc. 拥有的一款专禾刂参考上市药物(RLD)产品,其软膏含有2% ...
每天都感觉到很累、无力,是现代人的一个通病。想想也是,工作很忙、睡眠不好、压力也大,能不累吗?但你还真别说,乏力、难以集中注意力,甚至是很容易生气这些症状都可能和一种元素的缺乏有关:那就是「铁」。一项瑞士的女性研究发现[1],在出现缺铁性症状(如疲劳 ...
SEOUL, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) -- The top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has inspected strategic missile bases, calling for the country's strategic missile force to keep ...
Get ready for a wicked night at "Night of the Devil" — the ultimate Halloween party in Guangzhou, hosted by That’s Guangzhou ...
瑞士 食品法规 不允许宣传或出售 生牛奶 供直接饮用,因为生牛奶可能使人感染弯曲杆菌、隐孢子虫、大肠杆菌、李斯特菌、布鲁氏菌和沙门氏菌等 病菌 。然而,源于法规上的一个“空子”,在瑞士,实际上存在400台 生奶自动售货机。是否应该禁止 生鲜乳 ...
BEIJING, Oct. 22 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message on Tuesday to Luong Cuong on his assuming office as Vietnamese president. In his message, Xi said that in recent ...