A new buzzword over the last few years, set-jetting is gaining in popularity. At a time when Netflix, HBO, Disney+ and Prime ...
Booking has built a leading network of hotel properties and other services, which drives an increasing user base. We see this network effect continuing to expand in developed and emerging markets, as ...
We think Airbnb's global online travel agency position will strengthen over the next decade, driven by a leading alternative accommodation network (the source of its wide moat) of over 5 million hosts ...
Although the Eagles Las Vegas Sphere residency is completely sold out, fans can still purchase tickets through secondary ...
具体来看,公司国际业务表现亮眼,国际OTA平台营收全年增速维持在70%左右,一至四季度分别同比增长80%、70%、60%、70%,且在公司总营收中的占比从一季度的10%提升至四季度的14%。此外,携程集团2024年入境游订单量同比也增长了100%。 这表明,携程与国际市场上供应商和旅游人群的联系更加紧密。另一方面,产生于国际业务的营销投入也令其四季度毛利率同比、环比均出现小幅下降。
2024年,旅游市场强势复苏,携程集团借此东风,在业绩上交出了一份亮眼答卷。2024年第四季度,携程净营业收入达127亿元,净利润22亿元。 全年净营收更是高达533亿元,同比增长20%;净利润172亿元,同比增幅达72%,各项数据均创历史新高。