The Tamil Nadu Police have deployed 25,000 personnel equipped with drones and CCTV surveillance to ensure law and order during New Year's Eve celebrations in Chennai and its suburbs. The security ...
Whether foreign or domestic bad actors, they could be flying commercial drones, complete with lights, to test reactions of both the public and the government. As long as they are flying within ...
Drone sightings continue to spread across the East Coast, leaving residents and officials puzzled as to their origin and purpose. The FBI, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Aviation ...
It's really not a very big step away. All that's needed to bridge the gap between drone racing dreams and reality is nothing more than better and more efficient tech. After all, the last thing you ...
Reports of drone sightings in the local skies have decreased dramatically since their peak a few weeks ago, Ocean County Sheriff Michael G. Mastronardy said Monday. Reports of the sightings of the ...
There are many types of drones. With drones for racing, photography, and industrial work, purchasing one can be fun and profitable as long as you follow the rules designed for safe operations.