The Minister for Public Expenditure has said he will be "taking further action" in relation to the purchase of a €124,000 scanner by the National Gallery that remains unused. Jack Chambers said ...
Once again, the Government is faced with another scandal regarding the money spent on a special scanner for the National Gallery, just months after the notorious Dáil bike shed debacle.
Toggle this mode off to continue enjoying your roleplaying experience." Oh, and the developer does clarify that Canon Mode cannot be disabled once it's toggled on at the start of the game — so ...
Whether you've got an attic full of old negatives, or like me you're taking new photos with one of the best film cameras – a film scanner will quickly become the easiest way to share your shots online ...
With that in mind, right now, we like the Canon Maxify GX4020 if you want the best all-in-one printer for scanning specifically, while the Fujitsu Image Scanner fi-800R is a compact and efficient ...
Amazon figures show that it sold more than 1,000 Canon Canoscan Lide 300 scanners, the best-selling flatbed scanner on the site. In comparison, it sold more than 10,000 HP Deskjet 4155e ...
A small team of neuroscientists, psychologists and musicologists affiliated with several institutions in the U.S. reports that music created specifically to enhance work performance does just that.
This is not unusual. Sexual activity among college-age Americans has dropped by nearly half in the past 20 years, part of a broader decline in sexual activity that some journalists have dubbed a ...
But what does the DOL do? It's worth knowing, because the labor department impacts everyone who has an employer of some kind. The mission of the Labor Department is “to foster, promote and ...
Objectives Society is confronted with the rapid emergence of innovation in science and technology. To manage this, horizon scanning is being adopted globally to identify, assess and prioritise ...