One of the workers in The Penguin drug lab explains that the white mushroom, oozing little red dots on its cap is a basidiospore – reproductive cells produced by a fungus, in this case a mushroom – ...
Bleeding tooth fungus looks like a ghoulish forest crime scene. This type of mushroom called Hydnellum peckii also goes by “devil’s tooth fungus” or the much more pleasant sounding ...
A peculiar species of fungus native to much of Canada, known by the scientific name of Hydnellum peckii, has many bizarre colloquial names like "the bleeding tooth fungus" and "the Devil's tooth ...
Fungi are a group of organisms that include yeasts, molds, and mushrooms. They exhibit astonishing methods for survival and remarkable appearances, including those that ooze blood-like sap ...
Earlier this year, Julian Mattucci, also known as “God Emperor Myco,” was creating new generations of spores from some Psilocybe subtropicalis mushrooms that he had procured online from a ...
Aaron Campbell was 37 when he walked away from his world. For 27 years he had been told that leaving would jeopardize the chance of eternal salvation for him, his wife, and their four children. Yet ...