Apple's Chief Executive Tim Cook met with China's top industry regulator on Wednesday in Beijing, exchanging views on data ...
China's Minister of Industry and Information Technology Jin Zhuanglong met with Apple CEO Tim Cook in Beijing on Wednesday.
今年早些时候,苹果iPhone销量表现疲软,一季度中国区销量下滑19%,销售不力也拖累了苹果第三财季的相关收入。当前,随着9月苹果iPhone 16的发布,iPhone在中国的销量有了回升的迹象。 10月18日,据Counterpoint Research数据显示,在中国首发的前三周,iPhone 16系列的销量增长了20%。到目前为止,新款iPhone的表现优于苹果前几代产品。消费者继续转向价格 ...
对此,知名大V科技博主“午后狂睡”分析称, “图上这个更像是氟橡胶表带的问题…氟橡胶材质表带表面涂层摩擦掉了之后,一些人会出现过敏的情况, 另外表带太紧可能会刺激皮肤,表带太松可能造成摩擦。” ...
TMTPost --  Apple Inc. Is existing from talks to join in OpenAI’s latest funding round that is expected to raise about $6.5 ...