On April 15, 1861, after Fort Sumter fell to Confederate Army forces, Pres. Abraham Lincoln issued his call to arms for ...
The cover of 'Nance: A Girl of Color and Her Lawyer Abraham Lincoln,' a new book by Kevin Orlin Johnson. It details the case ...
Before his untimely assassination at age 56 and prior to his career as a lawyer Abraham Lincoln excelled at wrestling. Born in 1809, Lincoln was living in New Salem, Illinois by 1831. Then in his ...
Abraham Lincoln was born on this day in 1809 in Kentucky. He would go on to rank among the best presidents in U.S. history, and he still makes news headlines when referenced by today's politicians.
In 2014, actor/comedian Sid Caesar (Your Show of Shows, Vegas Vacation) died at the age of 91.
In March 1848, newly elected congressman from Illinois, Abraham Lincoln, wrote a letter to David Lincoln in Rockingham County, Virginia, whom he had never met, introducing himself and asking for ...
Abraham Lincoln's birthday, celebrated on February 12, honors one of the greatest leaders in American history. Born in 1809, Lincoln rose from humble beginnings to become the 16th President of the ...