Vivo X200 Ultra likely to debut in March or April of 2025, here’s what we know so far.
Vivo has been preparing for the release of its upcoming flagship, the Vivo X200 Ultra. Digital Chat Station, a well-known ...
随着智能手机市场的不断推动与技术的不断创新,各大手机制造商如雨后春笋般崛起,面对竞争日益激烈的市场,Vivo即将发布的旗舰机型X200 ...
Vivo is currently working on the X200 Ultra New foldable phone could debut in June or July in China Vivo's S-branded flagship could launch in the first half of next year ...
众所周知,在vivo X200系列发布之前的预热阶段,网间就曾曝光了该系列将搭载高通骁龙8至尊版的超大杯机型vivo X200 Ultra的消息。日前,有数码博主也再次曝光了疑似该机的影像配置的消息,从中可以看出,该机将支持全焦段4K ...
Marques Brownlee has shared enlightening feedback on the vivo X200 Pro, recognizing it as one of the most impressive ...
值得一提的是,vivo X200 Ultra的超广角影像能力也有大幅提升。此前,X200 Pro的主摄和长焦镜头已经具备4K 120fps的录制能力,并支持4K 60fps HDR杜比视界以及全焦段4K 60fps 10bit Log视频。而X200 ...
该消息源表示,目前 vivo X200 Ultra 将采用后置高规三摄的配置基本不变,即 5000 万 1 英寸大底主摄 +5000 万像素超广角 +2 亿像素潜望式长焦的三摄组合。同时其补充该机全系采用大光圈大底镜头 + 全硬件级防抖 + ...
2024年12月27日 09:30中关村在线 ...
The brand is preparing another camera monster. vivo is currently working on the X200 Ultra, its absolute flagship smartphone ...
作为vivo方面今年早些时候推出的顶级影像旗舰,X100 Ultra自亮相以来就凭借着在产品端、尤其是影像等方面极为突出的表现,受到了大量消费者的关注。随着vivo X200系列三款新机的上市,日前有消息源透露,该系列中定位最高的X200 ...