Zhu Fenglian, porta-voz do Departamento dos Assuntos de Taiwan do Conselho de Estado, condenou as autoridades do Partido Progressista Democrata (PPD) de Taiwan nesta quarta-feira por apostar em forças ...
As of February 28, 2025, the Company had 500 retail stores in 150 cities, 488 servicing centers and Li Auto-authorized body and paint shops operating in 224 cities. The Company also had 1,874 super ...
BEIJING, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) -- The so-called "update" to the Taiwan fact sheet displayed on the U.S. State Department website is another example of the U.S. side using the Taiwan question to contain ...
BEIJING, Feb. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Eastern Command tracked and monitored two U.S. ships that passed through the Taiwan Strait from Monday to Wednesday and ...
Militares chineses monitoraram a passagem de uma fragata canadense pelo Estreito de Taiwan no domingo e lidaram efetivamente com este acontecimento, disse um porta-voz do Comando do Teatro Leste do Ex ...
The so-called "update" to the Taiwan fact sheet displayed on the U.S. State Department website is another example of the U.S. side using the Taiwan question to contain China, and China urges the ...
A press center for China's annual sessions of its top legislature and political advisory body, known as the "two sessions," ...
BEIJING, China, Feb. 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Li Auto Inc. (“Li Auto” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: LI; HKEX: 2015), a leader in China’s new energy vehicle market, today announced that it will report ...
台湾今年的汉光演习据报在美方鼓励下,将扩大后备军人动员规模,此举引发北京强烈不满。中国政府2月27日(星期四)分别向华盛顿和台北发出严厉警告,敦促美方勿“以台制华”,并指责台湾当局“倚美谋独”、“以武拒统”。中国国防部一名发言人对此强硬表态,称“螳臂 ...
黄立雅拥有辛辛那提学院音乐学院的竖琴博士学位,并在印地安那大学雅可布音乐学院取得竖琴硕士学位。她经常在中央音乐学院、中国音乐学院、国立台湾艺术大学、辛辛那提音乐学院等举办讲座和大师班,并且受邀担任交响少年、北京中山音乐堂竖琴大师课以及夏季竖琴班等活动 ...
Un centro de prensa para las sesiones anuales del máximo órgano legislativo y el máximo órgano asesor político de China, ...
Las autoridades del PPD se han erigido como el principal obstáculo para reanudar este turismo, y no la falta de comunicación entre las organizaciones turísticas, dijo en una conferencia de prensa Zhu ...