The Washington and Lee University Department of Music provides exceptional experiences in music training in the context of an education in the liberal arts tradition by developing students’ abilities ...
When you think of educational travel, think of Washington and Lee.
A minor in Digital Culture and Information (DCI) allows students to deeply explore how the digital age impacts knowledge and society. Students will discover how software transforms information into ...
It is the strong feeling of the W&L mathematics faculty that the emphasis in its introductory level calculus courses must be focused on calculus, itself. This firm grounding enhances students ...
The following are example schedules for completing the B.A. in Computer Science. The schedules have some flexibility, both in timing and which math courses you take to complete the requirements. We ...
The Department of Philosophy engages students with fundamental questions of existence, knowledge, and value, to encourage students to examine critically a variety of beliefs, attitudes, and social ...
History examines the past through various lenses — social, political and intellectual; textual and material — enriching us as individuals and preparing us to engage the complexities and ambiguities of ...
The Art Museum & Galleries encompass three locations: the Reeves Museum of Ceramics, Watson Galleries, and the McCarthy Gallery. Works from the ceramics, art and history collections are also on view ...
Talented and dedicated faculty engage students in the study of the languages, literatures, and cultures of the diverse populations that once spoke the Latin of the Roman Empire. Majors in Spanish and ...
The Physics and Engineering Department offers a wide variety of courses, serving students who seek the bachelor of science degree in physics, engineering, or integrated engineering, along with many ...