Scientists have found a new way to navigate beams of light through dynamic scattering media, such as the turbulent atmosphere ...
The UK government has announced the abolition of NHS England, phased over two years. In practice, this will involve merging some functions and staff ...
A state law signed Feb. 28, 2025, removes gender identity as a protected status from the Iowa Civil Rights Act, leaving transgender people ...
The advent of generative artificial intelligence has sent shock waves across industries, from the technical to the creative. AI systems that can ...
In this week's look Around the Air Force, Chief of Staff Gen. David Allvin describes his strategy for defending the homeland and meeting the nation's ...
A new study from the University of Portsmouth is the first to show how interactive theatre can help improve the lives of ...
In 2015, an outbreak of Zika virus triggered an epidemic in the Americas. People infected with Zika, typically via a mosquito ...
People with favourable socioeconomic conditions, such as high incomes or education levels, face a reduced risk of age-related ...
Imperial has entered into a partnership with Toyota Konpon Research Institute (TOYOTA KONPON) to explore research aimed at shaping a better ...
The OSCE Transnational Threats Department held a side event on the role of women in organized crime and drug trafficking on the margins of the 68th ...
Miss Huang is, in many ways, capitalism's ideal child Sarah Bock in "Severance," now streaming on Apple TV+ (courtesy of ...
POL/5: UK Statement for the Enhanced programme of development cooperation for the occupied Arab territories. Delivered at the 353th ILO Governing Body ...