CTP Genel Başkanı Tufan Erhürman, Ankara’da eğitim gören Kıbrıslı Türk gençlerle gerçekleştirdiği buluşma sonrası, ''Hem ...
UBP Parti Meclisi, Genel Sekreter seçme gündemi ile toplandı. Öte yandan Mevcut Genel Sekreter Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu, seçimde tek aday olduğunu açıklamıştı.
Emine Karadağılı hayatını kaybetti. Karadağlı, bugün İsmail Safa Camisi’nde kılınacak ikindi namazının (saat 15.00) ardından Lefkoşa Mezarlığı’nda defnedilecek. okuma süresi: 1 dak.
According to the statement, air pollution caused by dust particles coming from North Africa will be prominent until Sunday noon. The department has urged citizens who are sensitive to dust to take ...
According to the weekly weather forecast report covering the period from March 8 to March 14, the region will be affected by a low-pressure system during the first two days, followed by a ...
Speaking about the participation of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) at the ITB Berlin, one of the world’s largest tourism fairs, Aktunç stated that the TRNC was successfully represented ...
The latest air assault came after EU leaders, shaken by the prospect of U.S. disengagement, agreed to boost the European bloc's defenses at a crisis summit on Thursday. And Washington said talks with ...
“It’s common sense, right,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office. “If they don’t pay, I’m not going to defend them. No, I’m not going to defend them.” Trump said he has been of this view for years ...
According to Serap Şahin, a reporter for Yenidüzen newspaper, Gültekin Sancar from the Anti-Financial Crime Department presented in court that Dürüst was a suspect in "forgery of official documents" ...
The 36-year-old landscape architect Gürel left her home on the morning of March 2 for a walk in Belgrad Forest. Search teams discovered the woman near a stream, approximately 6 kilometers from the ...
Torrential rains this week hit capital Jakarta and its surrounding cities, forcing thousands of residents to evacuate and authorities to use weather modification technology. But the bad weather ...