Do you look at current consumer life-styles and linear product life-cycles and see the inherent sustainability problems that lie within? Do you want to help the world transition to a model that is ...
The Nordic Association for Art Historians NORDIK came into being as an organizer of international conferences that since 1984 have brought together individual scholars and organizations with an ...
In 2024, as part of the UPSCALE project, the NaPPI team organized a series of 10 hands-on sessions focused on exploring and learning how to use the Ontology-Driven Information System for Plant ...
Understanding the world as we see it around us today requires understanding how the geosphere, climate and biosphere have interacted and coevolved over the last millions of years. In the Evolutionary ...
The IBMM conference is the world’s leading platform for the ion beam community, where the newest significant findings and discoveries are reported in an engaging and interactive manner. The scope of ...
The MeDea project explores how members and leaders of both religious and non-religious communities in Finland assign meaning to their burial grounds. By investigating burial practices within ...
EPOS-FI consortium is a joint community of Finnish universities and research institutes with a task of maintaining geophysical observatories and laboratories in Finland. EPOS-FI partners own and ...
Professori Kirsi Mikkonen inspiroituu yhteisestä pyrkimyksestä tuottaa entistä maukkaampia kasvipohjaisia ruokia. Mitä tutkit? Elintarviketieteissä kehitetään tapoja tuottaa maistuvaa, terveellistä ja ...
The Centre for University Teaching and Learning offers staff training in university teaching and learning to the University’s teachers and to researchers who also provide teaching. The scope of the ...
Kandivaiheen tutkinto-opiskelijat voivat hakea perus- ja lukio-opetukseen tai aikuisopetukseen suuntautuviin opettajan pedagogisiin opintoihin soveltuvista koulutusohjelmista. Opinnot järjestetään ...