A phrase much associated with my favourite consulting detective, though I think he only used it a few times. He also used a magnifying glass of course as he searched for those important clues. Setting ...
Breathtaking mosaics, in a villa in the stunning and harsh countryside of Central Sicily. The Roman villa is near Piazza Armerina. They are unbelievably beautiful and wonderfully preserved, as they ...
The view across loch from the cottage. After breakfast we decided to explore. The weather wasn't brilliant, but we headed west to the Iona. the decision was made not to cross to the island as it was ...
BBBolognese for dinner. Mmmm. BarioBoy’s wonderful recipe struts its stuff again.
Lovely crusty lichen And knapweed seed heads in the extra. A macro day. Straight out of the camera so I may well edit in the future.
A glorious day today, blue sky and sunshine. I checked the forecast at the weekend as the u3a Gardens Group was planning a visit to Ardkinglas Woodland Garden, on Loch Fyne, and it promised to be dry ...
...of my washer this aft... A dreary grey start to the day, and the gloom never quite lifted.
Mr Scarlet Robin, watching "Mike the Slasher" do his thing. Aided by the kookaburra (see extras) A candid shot of our nearest neighbour the highland coo with the crumpled horn ;-)) It's been a busy ...
I really must get a Spindleberry shrub for the garden, those seedheads are gorgeous with the clashing magenta and orange and then the beautiful red leaves. It rained quite heavily this morning so our ...
This photo is of our eldest daughter age 18 - she chose this antique Danish desk for her present. It’s hard to believe it’s 17 years since she died. In one way it’s as clear as yesterday and yet in ...
I have also backblipped yesterday's On the lookout..... hope you will have a look ... thanks to those who already have :-) Heavy rain overnight but it had cleared away & the sun had come out :-) I ...
Espied Kekova Sunken City and Simena Castle whilst having a boat ride on Mediterranean Sea - ate lunch aboard and had opportunities to disembark and swim in sea - another quick blip - t’interweb not ...