With the proliferation of digital phased arrays in commercial and aerospace and defense applications, there are many engineers working on various aspects of the design who have limited phased array ...
Comparator ICs are designed to compare the voltages that appear at their inputs and to output a voltage representing the sign of the net difference between them. In a comparator circuit, if the ...
Op amps are very high gain amplifiers with differential inputs and single-ended outputs. They are often used in high precision analog circuits, so it is important to measure their performance ...
The thermocouple is a simple, widely used component for measuring temperature. This article provides a basic overview of thermocouples, describes common challenges encountered when designing with them ...
Serial peripheral interface (SPI) is one of the most widely used interfaces between microcontroller and peripheral ICs such as sensors, ADCs, DACs, shift registers, SRAM, and others. This article ...
Even with the widespread use of rail-to-rail single supply op amps, there is still often the requirement for dual rails (for example, ±15 V) to be generated from a single (positive) input power rail ...
ADI公司的RF功率线性化单元(RFPAL)器件采用可编程模拟信号处理架构,将数字编程功能与模拟电路设计的简单性、小尺寸、低功耗特性有效结合。这种架构的优势在于能够提供一种预失真线性化解决方案,该解决方案功耗非常低,可提供宽带宽性能和紧凑的系统 ...
4-20 mA是一种稳健可靠的通信协议,多年来广泛用于工业领域。ADI公司用于工业系统的4-20 mA产品系列提供高水平的精度、集成度和灵活性,具有替代产品所不具备的性能规格和较长使用寿命。我们提供许多经过现场验证的参考设计、示例电路图和应用笔记,有助 ...
Advances in automotive technology have significantly increased the electronic content of modern automobiles to enhance safety, improve the driving experience, enrich entertainment functions, and ...
Q: ADI has published a lot of information on dealing with capacitive loading and other stability issues in books, such as the amplifier seminar series, in earlier issues of Analog Dialogue, and in ...
The EVAL-ADUSB2EBZ features USB-to-I 2 C and SPI conversion. It is compatible with 1.8 V and 3.3 V target devices and allows for SigmaStudio ™ integration for most SigmaDSP ® processors. Its on-board ...
Fast peak detectors place unusual demands on amplifiers. High slew rate is needed to keep the amplifier internal nodes from overracing the output stage. This condition causes either a long overload, ...