Some drugs can activate AMPK, most prominently metformin, which is approved for diabetes and being trialed in dementia. Less well-known is aldometanib, developed by Lin’s team, which blocks aldolase, ...
Early onset familial Alzheimer disease (eFAD) is hereditary and marked by Alzheimer disease symptoms that appear at an unusually early age. Symptoms can start in a person's thirties, forties, and ...
The easiest way to track down "when" in a chronic disorder like AD is with the causal quartet, those carrying disease-causing mutations in APP, PSEN1, PSEN2 and SORL1, and, as you expand, including ...
Synaptic transmission is an energy hog. It requires neurons to tap ATP reserves to respond to incoming signals. How do they pull this off, thousands to millions of times per day? A new study ...
Millions of small molecules coursing through our bodies reflect biochemical processes that factor in health and disease. Studies have tied such metabolites in blood and urine to genetic variants. Now, ...
This letter was prompted by your recent perspective paper and the responses it provoked in an Alzforum discussion. Generally, my comments are offered with the intellectual humility required when ...