Alabama State University will serve as the host for the upcoming ACHIEVE Transfer Student Success Conference (ACHIEVE Conference), March 5-6 at ASU's Ralph D. Abernathy College of Education, located ...
12 month employees only. Maximum accumulation 288 hours (36 days).
Effective Tax Year 2012, 1098-T tax forms are available online.
For a complete breakdown of tuition and fees, please select the appropriate link below: ...
Your student account information is available online via Hornet's Web, 24/7.Hornet's Web shows you up to date account transactions and account balance and also your bill which is the official ...
Alabama State University accepts a number of payment methods for tuition and other student account balances. Upon the end of registration, 40% of all charges (room, board, tuition and fees) are ...
1. What is a student account?A student account is simply the charges and payments related to a student's registration. A student bill is a summary of a student's account. Also, any incidental charges ...
Alabama State University Payroll Department is a dedicated team of professionals committed to paying University employees on-time and accurately; to providing University employees with excellence in ...
The Mission of the Budget Office of Alabama State University is to direct all phases of the University's Budget development, implementation, and management by involving all of the University's ...
The Accounts Payable Department supports Alabama State University's goals and mission. We provide accurate and timely disbursement of payments to the University's vendors. We adhere to all ...
The Procurement Department’s mission is to continually identify and incorporate innovative purchasing practices to support Alabama State University. Our goal is to advise and assist the various cost ...
The mission of Accounting Services is to operate according to established accounting standards and to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the University financial records to its end-users. Consistent ...