Obsessed with Transgenders, Republicans seem to be authorities on these .026% of the population. What's on their computer? Is Mark Robinson alone or the tip of the iceber ...
So democrat VP candidate Tim Walz comes out and says he wants to eliminate the Electoral College too, just like every other democrat that can’t win without a ru ...
The 2020 60 Minutes interview for which Trump demanded an apology last week was the one in which he promised his health care plan was “fully developed,” then angrily ...
Donald Trump's "God Bless the USA" Bibles were printed in China. The Bibles - gussied-up editions of the King James Bible that include some of the nation's founding docum ...
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Trump stinks worse with every passing day, sharing stolen documents with Putin. Trump sent COVID-19 tests to Putin for his personal use at the height of the pandemic, whi ...
Burleigh - Trump broke a fifty-year tradition so his false world would not be challenged by reality. He apparently wants to make sure voters cannot base their decisions about the ...
Good on Florida Governor DeSantis for blowing off Kamala Harris with her demanding replies from the governor on the upcoming hurricane Milton. Harris was off scouting for ...
People who call themselves Americans would sign up for 4 more years of Trump lies kayos and in competence to give the richest among us a tax break, add 7 trillion to the ...
People are actually still defending Alejandro Mayorkas, the worst person to lead Homeland Security since it's creation after 9/11. From the border to now hurricanes he ...
Florida threatens TV executive with jail time for airing ad in support of abortion rights. Some of you can't wait for another Trump presidency. Be caref ...
The Wildwood Crest comment on your neighbor blowing his grass clippings into the street and nobody does anything about it. Are you kidding me!! Our country and wo ...